Wednesday, October 22, 2008

babies and more babies

As you can see Brennen is having the time of his life with his new little girl. As their favorite pastime, they love making faces at each other.

First Walk.

What up Dad!

After her first bath.

Pink Ninja outfit.
Smiles :)

Here are some more pictures of Seren.

Ultra Sound 21 weeks.

Where am I? Minutes old.
Mom, Dad and Seren Oct 13th.
Seren Smiles :)

Well, it's that time again. Seeing as I am a stay at home mom, and I don't have anything better to do than sleep, eat and go to the bathroom (sounds like my baby), I decided I'm getting better at putting Seren down for naps, and my free time is becoming a little more predictable. First off here are some pictures of Seren's cousins. They seem like giants to her, but we are excited to all get together for Thanks Giving.

Looks like all the cousins are having too much fun in Cali with the grown ups.


Anonymous said...

McKell, your little Seren is sooooo cute!! I love the pictures...she looks a lot like you! The shape of her eyes look just like you. She's just so adorable!!

Mikal Jordon said...


Rhiannon said...

so so cute!!! how fun for her to have all those cousins!

Gina and Jon said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!

Jen Souter said...

McKell she is a doll and looks just like you! I am so glad that you are doing well, and your baby is here! I need to come down and see you guys since you are ditching us on Thanksgiving! :) I love you and so happy for you! love ya Jen

Kathryn Martin said...

McKell, Brennen, and new little Seren,
I am so happy for you!
She is just beautiful amd blonde!!! Wow, that was a surprise! I can't wait to meet her in person. Hope to soon.
Aunt Kathryn
(and now I'm a GREAT aunt!)